Friday 26 April 2013

Terrified? I don’t think so…

I’ve actually only just realised that Thorney Critters started long before I knew it even had, in Lloyd’s head anyway…
 Suddenly one day he wanted a Tarantula, naturally I was like almost any other woman, and said ‘no way!’. Why on earth would I want a bigger, hairier, scarier spider sitting looking at me in a box, the thought of having a Tarantula quite literally terrified me! I was not interested in the idea at all, literally not one bit. I hated them, the look of them, their movement and just everything about them.

After weeks and weeks of Tarantula being the last word of every sentence Lloyd said, I thought sod it, so I gave in. Looking around the reptile shop, I was obviously way more interested in the amazing coloured chameleons and geckos whereas Lloyd had already picked out which Tarantula he wanted and amazingly he knew the names of every single one! It’s almost as if he had been researching them for weeks…
So we got our first Critter home and this was when my opinion drastically began to change. I was fascinated by this big fuzzy pretty coloured 8 legged Tarantula. All my fears just evaporated and all I wanted to do was take pictures of this Critter. I loved how calm they actually were, I began to come more and more confident and secretly taking more and more pictures but still insisting to Lloyd that I didn’t really like them. However, I must admit I wasn’t too impressed by the fact that they shoot hairs at you if they get annoyed. Something I did not know, and beings though I had been sticking my head into the cage for the best part of a week, I considered myself rather lucky to have not of been caught. Ever since, a little bit of fear has returned and I do now hesitate to get too close, especially whilst filming and taking pictures.
So that was how Thorney Critters came about. I wanted to fully support Lloyd in his decision as that’s what I’m here to do! So I jumped on the band wagon and got excited about all the media side of it as that’s what I love and do as job and it has taken off from there. I am super excited to learn and see much more Critters.
But I really must emphasise that the fears of spiders and all Critters is really not needed! Yes, they do look pretty creepy but it’s just an image of a big bad scary spider that has been drilled into our heads, when infact they are highly intelligent and truly interesting little creatures.  Especially their webbing, it helps create a really cool looking picture! :D I now find myself not completely freaking out when I see a house spider scattering along the floor, infact I take a little look at it! It’s crazy to say but they really aren’t all terrifying at all. Obviously they are not the most award winning pet compared to a cat or dog but I can see why people do want to have them, they are a truly fascinating critter to watch grow. The more I learn about them the more I am amazed.
For me though, I much prefer reptiles. I love Geckos and tortoise’s and I hope someday soon these will be added to our Critter collection! Also, I do love Ziggy our Giant African Millipede. He’s a funny little thing that just wonders around on your hand, he’ll then take a break stand up, have a little look around and then carry on trotting along. He’s a cool Critter.

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